Category Archives: Perthshire

Autumn Reflections

Autumn is a season of change and brings amazing colours, especially where I live in Perthshire, Scotland. It is a time to enjoy and celebrate, despite knowing the cold months of winter are coming.

Trees are under-appreciated and often ignored, unless they are ‘in the way’, present a hazard, fall after a big storm… but at this time of year many people do acknowledge them, enjoy their variety, size, colour and simple aesthetic beauty. You don’t have to know or understand the science and process of leaf change to appreciate it, and its freely available to all – although I know some can find getting into the countryside more difficult.

Being Chair of Perth and Kinross Countryside Trust [PKCT] I have a role, alongside my fellow Trustees, in supporting and encouraging access to the countryside. We are fortunate to have a brilliant small staff team and the support of various Trusts and organisations to pay for their work. So thanks to them. Many people will enjoy a country walk, cycle or ride, or just a stop at the views and not know that PKCT has had a hand in helping them. Our public-facing activity is gaining profile, especially beginning to attract a younger audience, with ‘Discovery & Engagement’ activity including a Watch group, tree-planting and a Youth Council. So I am hopeful for the future.

Encouraging an interest in nature and the countryside can also begin with a small patch of garden, the local park, having a pet to care for, visiting a zoo or farm park.

At the start of October I was in South Wales and made a return to the lovely Meadows Wildlife Park near Caerphilly. It was great to work with the staff team and help develop their public engagement, education and communication skills.

The Park’s rebrand in late Spring has been very successful with lots more visitors through the summer and there is continued development of the site for enhanced animal and visitor experience. The staff team are friendly and enthusiastic and it was great to work with staff from a range of roles. It was also so nice to receive a message of thanks afterwards that included:

“Your deliverance of excitement and enthusiasm teaching the team to be confident and inspire interest in educating and welcoming our visitors really nailed the brief.”