2023 – Prices not increased. All negotiable and depend upon your requirements.
NEW – team building & communication training for ANY staff in the zoo / attraction. Ideal for staff and volunteers that have visitor-interaction and/or promote the organisation to others.
Key activities are descried below – please contact for more details and to ask what I can do for you. Talks/Workshops etc are AVAILABLE ONLINE as well as direct in person – contact to discuss your requirements and how I can tailor activity to your needs. Advice and mentoring by arrangement.
INTERESTED IN ATTENDING A PRESENTATION TRAINING WORKSHOP? – A session will be organised for individuals to attend at a per person cost, subject to minimum numbers (est £40-£50 per person). This is ALSO AVAILABLE ONLINE (£30 per person subject to min numbers).
TRAINING / WORKSHOPS – ideal for zoos/visitor attractions/students
Communication Techniques – for educators, presenters, front of house staff. A workshop to develop better skills in public speaking, in engaging with different audiences and audience needs, and building confidence. Can be half day, full day or a course over several days. One-to-one or group sessions.
Education Delivery – for those involved in working with schools and colleges. Teaching and communication techniques and style. Developing activities and ‘lessons’ for visiting groups and developing and delivering learning outcomes to meet learner needs.
Career Skills – especially for students and those looking for career development. “Selling yourself” with a good CV and interview technique. Identifying your skills and experience suited to the role; answering ‘awkward’ questions; identifying the roles that suit you best.
TALKS – for colleges; community groups (WI, Rotary, Young Farmers etc)
Inspired by nature/My Wild Life – an illustrated talk for community groups (varied to suit audience and timing required). Featuring aspects of my career and experience; highlighting nature & the environment.
Get outdoors! – activities to do outdoors to engage with nature and the environment
Careers in science and conservation (ideal for students) – advisory and inspirational talk on following your passion, gaining the experience and qualifications needed; doing a good CV and interview.
Our wonderful world – accounts of travel in different parts of the world from southern & east Africa to walking the Inca trail in Peru and visiting zoos of the world.